life changing experience
desert island...
uninhabited beaches ...
the lava shore ...
coconut grove...
sunsets. .
dawns. .
and - an ocean around !
hospitable-open-good-natured people ...
simple and hearty meal ...
the tranquility of the Kingdom of Tonga will conquer you !

This Paradise, located in the South Pacific ocean, will be captivated by its small coral Islands, colorful lagoons and reefs, endless white sandy beaches, sun-drenched and decorated with coconut palms…

The capital is the city of Nukualofa, there is not a single industrial enterprise, so despite the fact that it is the main city of the country, it is unusually quiet and cozy, and the green coastline and beautiful scenery only add color.

A unique feature of the Islands is the opportunity to swim with humpback whales right in the open ocean - every year it is here that the migration routes of humpback whales from Antarctica. Here females give birth and grow their young, and this place is considered to be the best in the world to observe humpback whales in their natural habitat
The population of humpback whales living here, as if on vacation, spend most of their time sleeping, singing and making love.
From July to October, these giants ( adult reaches 13-15 meters ) have offspring and mothers with baby remain in shallow water between the numerous Islands of the archipelago until they grow up and are ready to move to the other side of the globe..

The average body length of a newborn baby humpback whale - 4.5 m, weight - from 700 kg to 2 tons.
The period of milk feeding lasts up to 10 - 11 months, although the calf can feed on its own at the age of 6 months, during this period it grows up to 8-9 m and weighs about 9 tons.
During the day, the whale consumes about 40-45 kg of milk fat content of under 50 % although the mother is not eating , and is only concerned with the education and training your child skills and tricks which come in handy in adult life ... The calf stays with the mother up to a year, sometimes up to 2 years.

The government of the Kingdom strictly regulates this type of tourism, which is gaining popularity in the world every season - only a licensed operator can swim with whales, on a licensed boat, with a licensed guide ...
Operators are mainly from Australia and new Zealand , guides-often local, trained or the same Australians. There are specialists in whales and marine biologists.
Boats are small, low noise and low speed, designed for a maximum of 8 people, not counting the guide and skipper.
In the water with a guide can be simultaneously a maximum of four people
when you go out into the ocean, it can take 15 minutes and three hours before the guide finds a suitable whale - most often a female with a calf, which during the day sleeps for 15-20 minutes, plunging 15-20 meters or even hanging upside down and exposing the tail to the surface.. the baby is not yet able to hold their breath for more than two or three minutes and constantly float. When the guide sees that the whale then again up in the same place several times, the group jumps into the water and follow the guide - usually 100-150 meters swim, and quiet swim within sight and stopping giving the female to get used to the unwelcome invasion ... often the female felt the presence of outsiders takes the whale to the other place, the group returned to the boat
and it all starts again but when the female - she is sleeping half of the brain and one of her eyes at this time, open monitoring environment - feels the threat the visitors pose - remains at the same place and allows the inquisitive child to get acquainted with strange creatures closer and then - going over everything and go to the other side of the earth - the whale as ... puppy! happy rushes met - gathers around them - waving his arms - wags his tail - tries to poke a warm wet nose - blowing bubbles and sticks to scratch striped warm the tummy ! sports - jumps - tail slaps and flipper - like hands ...
such moments are remembered for a lifetime!

So at this time, you can often find the female sometimes with a calf, accompanied by one, two or even three adult males ( the locals call them escorts) court its view of the future - and sing!
humpback whales are famous for their vocal repertoire, which plays an important role in the breeding season the Song of the male humpback consists of a series of frequency-modulated sounds and "phrases" in the range of 40-5000 Hz, which lasts from 6 to 35 minutes; can be repeated for several hours and even days

whale songs, like good Blues , take your soul and permeate through - making vibrate every cell of your body!!!
28.08 - 04.09

7 nights stay
5 days swimming with whales

double occupancy in eco bungalow
price :

with an advance payment of $ 3000 until 1 january 2025

included in cost:
  • Return flight from Tongatapu to Ha'apai
  • Transfers between Ha'apai airport to Island
  • 7 Nights Hotel Accomodation
  • 3 Meals per day
  • 5 days on the water - Whale Swim / Freediving
  • Daily Yoga
  • Daily Freediving / Snorkelling

price excludes

  • Tips
  • Airfares (International)
  • Alcohol / Soft Drinks
  • Travel Insurance
travel plan

Day 1
Arrive in Ha'apai - Check into the hotel
We will pick you up from the Ha’apai airport and board Our whale swim boat. After a safety briefing, we will head over to the resort (around 25 minutes away). After checkin and a short orientation at the resort we will have a chance to relax, snorkel, explore the area etc…
Dinner will be served around 19:00

Day 2-7full days on the water
The day starts at 07:15 with a led yoga practice in the large communal Fale. this is optional.
Breakfast is served at 08:15.
We will board the boat at 09:00 and head out to look for whales. Whales can regularly be seen within minutes from the resort but it may take longer.
We may run a snorkelling / Freediving session next to one of the many reefs. This depends on the desire of the group.
Lunch will be served on the boat or on an island.
Boat returns to the resort around 15:30
Dinner is served at 18:00

SundayRest day in Tonga
Sunday is a rest day in Tonga as the country is very religious. we will spend the day exploring the island, resting, snorkelling and conducting cultural activities such as basket weaving.
Dinner will be served traditional style – UMU (underground oven).

Day 8Check out - Last day In Ha'apai
Breakfast and a few last activities before checking out.
You will be dropped off at the airport in time for the flight out from Ha’apai.
In Tongatapu – you will be picked up and taken to a hotel to spend the last night before your international flight.

... and into the ocean i go to lose my mind and find my soul
Indian Ocean Sperm Whales
for organized groups, families with children and groups of friends
It is possible to organize a trip at ANY time of the year!
coordination of dates and costs at least 1 - 3 months before the desired dates!
16 - 23 & 23 - 30 March

price : 3500 €
(prepayment 2000 €)
7 nights accommodation (double occupancy, 3*)
7 days of trips to the ocean in search of whales
snack on the boat
two to three excursions in the afternoon
WiFi and discount at local pizzeria
international flight
I invite you to join a trip in which you will have the opportunity to swim with sperm whales - in a place - the only one in the Indian Ocean - where these whales are found all year round!
there - off the western coast - in families - several dozen individuals live - mostly females, their offspring and young animals - ranging in size from 6 to 12 meters
their main source of food is squid, the abundance of which keeps them here
if we're lucky, we'll also find large males who visit the island twice a year for the purpose of procreation
These ocean tramps are real giants!
up to 20 meters - ash-gray skin - all covered in scars - real Moby Dicks!
this is a week-long trip and during all seven days we will be looking for sperm whales to dive with them
you will have the opportunity to take pictures or shoot your own video of the largest toothy predator on the planet

There are two types of whale encounters that we typically encounter during these trips:
1. Sperm whales - in search of food - dive deep and can hold their breath for almost an hour! returning to the surface to breathe, they rest for no more than ten to fifteen minutes - during this time we have the opportunity to notice their fountains - swim up without disturbing - jump into the water and see whales
More often than not, whales don't want to communicate and just look at us and leave...
These are wild animals in the open ocean and there is no guarantee that they will allow us to approach them - however, some of the local specimens are very curious and allow us to spend a few minutes with them before diving back into the depths
2. when the whales finish hunting, they gather in large family groups - to sleep or play - these are the DREAM meetings we are looking for and if the whales are in the mood - we can spend a lot of time with them
searching for sperm whales that are socializing is our goal for which we came

There are only 5 guests on the boat with me

how to behave when in contact with whales, based on the behavior of the animals themselves and what are the best moments for photography - I'll tell you and advise you in the process - if necessary, I'll take a photo as a souvenir for you too!

trip plan:
Day 1
arrival at Mauritius airport (MRU) - transfer to the hotel (about 40 minutes on the way) - check-in - getting to know the area, in the evening we will discuss the plan for the morning
the next 7 days are days of going out into the ocean - in any weather!
The time of entering the ocean is determined by the captain:
if the start is at 6:30 - we get up at 6:00 - we prepare breakfast ourselves and - to the boat
if the start is at 10:30, there is time to sleep and have breakfast in some cafe
every day is different on the water - sometimes we find whales quickly,
sometimes it may take several hours
meetings - can last a few seconds or hours - when these giants rest near the surface
after lunch, every other day, depending on the weather, 2-3 times, we will make trips to island attractions: lighthouse at sunset - waterfalls - national parks
- let's climb to the top of the island with a magnificent view!
Day 7
Having dived in the first half of the day - we collect and pack our equipment - we check out, we say goodbye - we hug with new friends - it's time to go home...
or - continue exploring the island according to your program!


water/air temperature: + 27 - 30 C˚ /+ 25 - 30˚ C

currency exchange - at the airport - upon arrival, taxi to the place from $70
WiFi at your residence
Equipment recommended is a wetsuit (2mm),
mask, snorkel, fins (the operator has used standard ones) for freedivers - belt and weights

  • Alex
    traveler - photographer - freediver
    traveling in recent years, I found a few places where I would like to return with the company of friends and associates and Tonga, of course , one of them ...
Tonga, Mauritius, Dominika, Mexico, French polynesia, Australia, Sri Lanka, Norway
whale, humpback whale, cachalot, sperm whale,orca
freediving, freediving with whales, snorkling, swimming, diving, underwater photo
travel, adventure, experience, encounter

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